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Spinal Decompression Therapy in Hiram, GA

Spinal Decompression in Hiram GA with Cornerstone

What Is Spinal Decompression?

If you’ve been experiencing pain or pressure in your neck and back and have had no luck finding comfort, Cornerstone Chiropractic in Hiram, GA, has a treatment that could give you the relief you’ve been waiting on. Spinal Decompression Therapy is a treatment chiropractors regularly employ to reduce pressure, improve alignment, and accelerate the healing process in your spine. This treatment is a non-invasive approach to provide patients with an alternative to pain medications, muscle relaxants, or surgeries.

Since Spinal Decompression Therapy (SDT) is an alternative treatment, you may not know as much about it as you do about your surgery options. However, chiropractic care has provided affordable and less harmful opportunities to improve a patient’s well-being for decades. Our goal is to provide you with a longer-term solution to reduce pain and improve your quality of life. This therapy uses a machine gently placing calculated pressure (or traction) at both ends of your spine to help reposition it and relieve your symptoms.

What Should I Expect From Spinal Decompression?

You will be asked to lie on a motorized traction table during this therapy. A harness or brace will be placed on your hips and secured to the lower half of your body to help maneuver it while your upper body remains stationary on the table. Then, with the help of a computer, the machine will gently stretch and relax your spine and the muscles around it. This procedure is painless, and patients often say it felt good or gave them relief. However, outcomes can differ in every patient depending on the symptoms they experience, their daily diet and activities, and how often they receive treatment.

A Successful Alternative.

Compared to manual traction therapy (the practitioner using just their hands to make adjustments), a spinal decompression table is much more precise when manipulating your spinal column. Also, when getting manual adjustments, your body’s natural reaction is to pull the opposite way to compensate, preventing the adjustment from being as effective. The compression table has built-in features that help overcome that reaction.

How Long Does The Treatment Last?

Most treatment sessions will last 30 minutes to an hour, the average being about 45 minutes. Every patient’s case is unique, making it hard to determine precisely how long you’ll need the treatment and how many sessions you will need to complete before you notice results. However, in most SDT cases, it is common to have anywhere from 12-20 sessions done over 4-6 weeks. You may start noticing small changes from the beginning, but completing the entire treatment plan is advised. Depending on your condition, your chiropractor might adjust the regimen based on your progress. 

Is Spinal Decompression Effective?

It’s A Versatile Treatment Option.

Spinal Decompression is an adaptable treatment that can be used alone or in combination with other options to provide the best level of care for you as the patient. The traction in this treatment allows a chiropractor to make subtle movements to your spine’s vertebrae, causing them to move toward their correct position. Your spinal column consists of “discs” that absorb the impact of your movements. Using traction to manipulate vertebrae encourages the discs to move back into their optimal location, providing more cushion for the small bones they help to protect. 

Results Matter

When treating any diagnosis with SDT, a chiropractor aims to speed up healing or provide an environment that promotes healing in your spinal column and its connected tissues. This procedure works because the traction used to make the adjustments is very light, can slowly manipulate your posture, and increase mobility. In addition, your chiropractor can determine how often you need this treatment and how long, depending on the condition they are attempting to remedy. Although it may take multiple sessions to achieve desired results, those who have undergone this procedure have reported that they experience less pain and discomfort, even as soon as the first appointment. Others said that they were symptom-free within the first few weeks. Of course, every case is different, but you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

What Conditions Does Spinal Decompression Treat?

There are many ways in which pressure can affect your spine. SDT might help you recover and even prevent future injuries. Chiropractic care is about helping your body heal more naturally, in its own way. Some conditions require more intensive treatment options, but there are so many that it could help as well. Some of the most common medical conditions we treat with Spinal Decompression are:

  • Disc Bulge, Protrusion, and Herniation: The discs in your spine can react in many ways to the pressure in your spinal column. They can shift, get wedged in place, and even deteriorate over time. Releasing the tension in your spine can make a drastic impact on your discs and the surrounding tissues. 
  • Sciatica: Your spinal column protects your spinal cord, which is responsible for communications between the brain and the body. Pressure on the spinal cord can cause nerves to send pain signals to the brain, and eliminating that pressure can reduce your pain. 
  • Scoliosis: In its natural position, your spine should closely resemble an ‘S’ shape, but those with scoliosis have an abnormal curvature to their spine. SDT helps correct the curve in your spinal column by gently repositioning it. 

This is just the shortlist. Spinal Decompression Therapy can help with many other conditions. Talk to your chiropractor about your specific situation and any symptoms you have to find out if SDT could help improve your quality of life. 

What Are The Benefits Of Spinal Decompression?

Improves Alignment & Provides Relief

Misalignment of the spinal column can lead to discs moving out from between the vertebrae and pressing on the nerves that run through your spine. The discs putting pressure on the nerves causes numbness, tingling, or pain in many areas of your body. Decompression allows the slight movement of your spine to its correct placement, relieving the pressure or “creating negative pressure” in your spinal column. Once negative pressure is established, it should be easier for the slipped disc to be manipulated back into place if it doesn’t do so by itself. You should begin feeling some relief quickly, but it may take several treatments to eliminate pain and other symptoms. 

Pain-Free Treatment Without Recovery Time

Non-surgical spinal Decompression means it’s non-invasive. It’s a procedure that can be done without medications and is usually done in less than an hour. The therapy is gentle on your body, and you won’t have to worry about extreme soreness or swelling. Consider this alternative before undergoing painful surgeries requiring extensive healing and recovery.

Better Physical And Mental Health

Being in constant pain and unable to move can cause you to become anxious or depressed. You may not feel like you’re the person you used to be because you can’t get out and do what you enjoy. Pain relief is the most significant step toward improving your quality of life and mental health. Once you can achieve that, you will be much happier and healthier. Now, you could get back to enjoying your life and go to work without all the consequences you had to live with before! 

What Are The Risks Of Spinal Decompression?

There are few risks associated with Spinal Decompression Therapy. Patients rarely report problems during or after the process. However, some patients have occasionally suffered from minor symptoms while their body adapts to the procedure, such as:

  • Moderate muscle soreness
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Shooting nerve pain down the arm or leg. 

Your chiropractor will request that you notify someone immediately if you experience any of these symptoms. They are not severe or threatening, but further adjustments may need to be made for your comfort. They can also reduce spasming by applying cold pressure or massaging the area. 

Because SDT is non-invasive, there is little chance of you getting hurt unless there are underlying conditions. For this reason, your chiropractor may want to run through a series of exams with you to ensure the course of treatment is the right one for you. Patients that SHOULD NOT undergo SDT are: 

  • Women who may be pregnant: The added pressure on the abdomen is not ideal for pregnancy.
  • Patients with Spinal Instability: If you have osteoporosis, spinal stenosis, or other degenerative bone diseases, this treatment may not be for you. 
  • Patients recovering from surgery: If you’ve recently had spinal or abdominal surgery, there is an added risk of complications with this procedure. 
  • Other instability or degenerative issues: Patients with bone cancer, an aneurysm, Rheumatoid Arthritis, or multiple bone implants are more likely to sustain an injury or worsen their condition with this treatment option. If these conditions apply to you, you should seek other treatment options or talk to your chiropractor. 

The best advice we could offer is to consult your chiropractor about your treatment options. You could even discuss treatment with your regular physician if you want a second opinion. There are safe techniques for almost anyone, and your providers should be able to help you find the one that helps relieve your pain or discomfort. Don’t suffer anymore. You can take action to be pain-free. 

Call Cornerstone Chiropractic in Hiram, GA, today to schedule an exam and learn how Spinal Decompression can help you get back to enjoying life.

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